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Bean burger in a bun topped with onions

6 vegetarian barbecue ideas

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Sunny Days With Oddbox

Caesar Salad on a plate

Put the toga down. We’re talking about Caesar salad

Bombay aloo (potatoes)

Cancel your Korma Sutra order. We’re talking about Bombay Aloo.

Aubergine dip with pita

…it stands for Better Do Some Mezze. Here’s how to make Baba Ganoush.

Image credit: @ed_hawkins on Twitter

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Green lilibet apples on a table

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National Vegetarian Week: Make it a meat-free, waste-free week.


What happens to food waste after it’s thrown away?

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Carrots fermenting in a jar

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Gav's Monthly Roundup

Credit: Ichio Usui

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Want To Know What To Do With Rhubarb Leaves?

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