What Is Odd Five Ways?
We think being led by growers and their crops is the most exciting way to eat fruit and veg.
If you’ve been with us on our journey for a while, you’ll know that’s because we never know exactly what we’ll be rescuing each week - and who doesn’t like surprises?
However, we also know it can be tricky to keep your cooking spark alive – especially in winter, when there’s a lot less variety available in the fields.
That’s where Odd Five Ways comes in.

This January we’ll be showing you new ways to turn your winter staples into winter stars, with out-of-the-box cooking techniques and mouth-watering recipes from our in-house chef, Camille.
Odd Five Ways is about the joy of grower-led eating – embracing what’s available while getting more creative in the kitchen and ultimately fighting food waste.
That’s why we’re championing five special cooking techniques for your root veg – salt baking, Teriyaki, pickling, braising and dredging – we’ll be showing you how to bring different flavours to any winter favourite we might surprise you with.
Some of these techniques might be familiar; others will be brand-new. But whatever your level of cooking, and whether you’re making dinner for one or for a family of five, it’s all about rolling up your sleeves, having a go and making meal-times more fun.
We’ll also be sharing new recipes from Camille on social media, and later in the year, we have an exciting collaboration with The Spread Eagle pub in East London.
As we’ve explained in the past, we might not know exactly what we’ll be rescuing (but who doesn’t like surprises?) there’s a lot less variety in UK fields when it’s chilly.
But, just because something is an ‘everyday’ ingredient, doesn’t mean you have to cook it in the same way, well, every day. Yep, there’s more to potatoes than roasting and mashing and carrots don’t *have* to be batons. You heard it here first.
And if Odd Five Ways helps you continue the adventurous streak in other seasons? Even better.
Firstly, check out our Odd Five Ways cooking methods and think about giving them a go. If you can't choose, why not download our Odd Five Ways wheel of fortune and let it decide for you.
Then, we’d love to see your Odd Five Ways creations over the next 30 days. Share your picture over at @oddboxldn and tag us with #OddFiveWays. At the end of January, we’ll be announcing our favourite on our Instagram account and they will win an Oddbox chopping board and a Clement Knives knife, worth over £200.
We also want to see your own creative cooking techniques – especially if you’ve been inspired to try something for the first time.
Can we make it Odd Five-hundred Ways next time? Get your apron on, it’s over to you.