Blueberry Rose Spritz

Turn your blueberries into a puree and mix with rose wine and Aperol to make a delicious cocktail. The blueberry puree can be made in advance and stored in the fridge or freezer in ice cubes. Ready for express cocktail making all summer long. 


  • No blueberries? Use strawberries or raspberries. 
  • Non-Alcoholic Version? Use alcohol free rose and Crodino instead; a non-alcoholic bitter aperitif.

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 0 minute

Total time: 10 minutes

Servings: 1


140 g Blueberries

70 ml Aperol

100 ml Rose wine

Sparkling water (to taste )


  1. To make the blueberry purée, add the berries to a blender. Blend until very smooth, adding a splash of water if needed.
  2. To make the cocktail, put 1 tbsp of blueberry puree in an ice-filled glass with the Aperol and rosé wine. Stir to combine, top with sparkling water to taste and enjoy. 
  3. Bonus zero-waste step: fill ice cube trays with any leftover purée and freeze.
  4. You can then pop the ice cubes into drinks throughout the summer (if they last that long).
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How to store

To store the leftover puree, pour it into an ice cube container and freeze for up to 1 month. Use the blueberry cubes for cocktails or smoothies.